Thursday, March 26, 2009

Moisturizer Is Really Very Vital For Skin

Against any harmful elements like the microorganisms (all kinds of germs and bacteria), pollution and winds our skins are the very first line of our body that defenses. More crucially, the skin is really very helpful in eliminating a very large number of various different kinds of toxins that really have got into our bodies through the skin itself or even through ingestion. The skin in this way is generally helping our kidneys and also our livers to filter out all the waste products from the metabolism of our body.We must care a lot for our skin, as the skin is really very much vital. We all very well know that the skin is not at all as vulnerable as the lungs or the heart is, but it also needs a lot of care too. So here are few very simple and inexpensive beauty tips to help in keeping your skin stays glowing, young looking and also blemish-free too. The very first tip is that one must cleanse his/her skin each and every day to ensure young looking skin. Washing your face two times a day will for sure enough for you. Avoid using the bar soaps that have very strong smell. The main reason behind this is that it tends to make the skin very much dry. Use water that is warm to loosen all the clogged pores and also all the dirt. Never scrub your face because scrubbing for sure can cause the skin to become irritated. Moisturizing regularly is really very good. There are present a number of people who believe that moisturizing is not at all crucial.But the truth is that moisturizing helps in maintaining the natural levels of moisture of the skin by sealing the moisture in the skin. The biggest challenge is however to find out a moisturizer that will be perfect for your skin kind. The best way to test whether there is a need of moisturizer for your skin is just to wait for almost around twenty minutes after having bath. If your skin feels tight, this means that your skin needs a moisturizer and you must go to a nearby drug store and buy a very good moisturizer for you skin. And if your skin is already oily, then in this case you must not apply any moisturizer. This simply means that you do not need any moisturizer for your skin.

By: Franchis

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Get LipSense Liquid Lip Color from SeneGence. For more information on lipsense check out

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How To Burn Fat Quick And Safely

If you want to burn fat quick and do it safely then you have to chart your progress and make small adjustments all the time. It is not easy to lose fat constantly and sooner or later you hit a plateau and if you do, then you have to know what to do. If you do something that is not working then you need to do something else that works. And the more options you have the faster you will lose fat. You can adjust variables in your nutrition and training program.

One option is to eat less but this only works if you are on a moderate or high calorie diet. If your calories are already very low and eating even less will have negative effects. Your metabolism always gets slower if you cut your calories below your basal metabolic needs. If you are not losing fat then you should burn more calories with exercise and if that does not work then decrease your food intake. But you have to be very careful.

Another way to accelerate your fat loss is to manipulate the macronutrient ratios. If the average 50-55% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 15-20% fat approach is not working then you could try to increase your proteins. Proteins are highly thermic which means it takes a lot of energy just to digest it. But never make any big changes, only small adjustments.

Obviously eating food with better quality is very important. And the good thing is that you do not have to eat foods that you dislike. Food choices aren't good or bad, black or white. Some are a bit better than others and some not as good as others. Eating less foods that are processed and eating more foods that are natural will burn fat faster.

Small, frequent meals increase your metabolism and the faster you metabolism is the more calories you burn. Eating small meals after every 3-4 hours has an amazing effect. Going beyond six or seven is not
recommended because your body has to digest the food. If you are a busy person they you can make some food in advance and take it with you. You can put protein powder in a bottle and take it with you, then add some water and you are ready. It is very convenient.

Exercise is almost as important as proper nutrition. Increasing the duration of your cardio workouts is a very effective method. When your goal is fat loss then you should to at least 25-30 minutes of cardio, 3-4 times a week. If you already doing that the you can increase the duration, intensity of your workouts. Some endomorphs have to do 6-7 times of cardio a week to see any results what so ever.

By: Rando Meresmaa

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BURN YOUR FAT AND FEED YOUR MUSCLES! What Every Man and Woman Can Learn From Bodybuilders About Permanent Fat Loss Tom Venuto, Lifetime-Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Success Coach teaches you how to turbo-charge your metabolism, gain muscle, burn off body fat and develop unstoppable motivation. Discover how heĆ¢€™s taught thousands of people to get leaner, faster than they ever thought possible! Visit:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Natural Acne Solutions Are Much Safer Than Topical Acne Treatments

Determining the pros and cons of taking topical medication can be difficult to achieve when compared to administering natural solutions. Throughout my teenage and early adult years my best friend Isabelle went through the realities of both paths of treatment.
When we were kids Isabelle got all the attention and would often boast of being the cutest girl in elementary school. This all changed in junior high as her face quickly resembled that of a squashed pepperoni pizza. The boys would run a mile!
With her facial acne outbreaks worsening into her mid teens we were all understanding of her decision to seek professional advice through the form of a dermatologist. Thinking she was following helpful advice she continually took the topical steroid medication her dermatologist prescribed. If only she knew then what she knows now!
Soon after beginning the prescribed doses of topical treatments her acne went from bad to worse. Within a short period her facial acne was now a secondary concern to the heavy outbreak of back acne, not to mention her rapid gaining of weight. Unsurprisingly during this period her self esteem was at an all time low and she soon began experiencing bouts of depression.
In stark contrast, once she removed all forms of topical treatments from her skincare regime and switched to natural skincare solutions the exponential problems disappeared. Within a short space of time it was as if she never gained weight or experienced depression at all. In addition, her ever growing back acne rapidly disappeared.
As someone who had always favored natural acne treatment over steroid use I decided to research the dangers of topical medication. Without too much digging I was shocked to discover prescribed steroid medications warned of side effects such as high blood pressure, poor immune defense, pancreatitis, abdominal pain, and sleeplessness. On the contrary, natural acne creams and gels propagate none of these horrid conditions.
The knowledge is present for anyone willing to look for it. Steroid solutions to skin problems often elicit problems far greater than the original facial acne it is prescribed to curb. No one wants to increase their likelihood of experiencing depression, excess weight, or decreasing their immune system. This is especially true when a natural acne treatment cream is available that is virtually side effect free.

By: Sabina Carvalho

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Having realized that the best treatment for acne is unsurprisingly the most natural, my best friend and I discovered the most effective solution to poor acne health to be a natural acne treatment gel known as Bioskinclear, a oil free product that assisted in removing her acne scarring, while reducing and preventing acne and rosacea.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Healthy Skin Care - Warning Signs You Should Know Before Its Too Late

Healthy skin care which is effective and scientific can do wonders for your beauty and can give you a healthy skin naturally. This article shall provide you with some closely guarded secrets of natural healthy skin care that shall make you young again!

Healthy skin care is to the skin what food is to the body. A natural healthy skin care regimen can go a long way in keeping you free from aging signs like wrinkles, saggy skin, age spots and dark uneven complexion. In fact, it can give you back young healthy skin which is naturally glowing.

The selection of the right skin care products is paramount if we want to have healthy skin. You should be vigilant as not all products available in the market are of a genuine quality. There are lot of them which are made up of harmful chemicals that can do long term damage to even those who have healthy skin at present.

We hear a lot of hype these days on "natural" and "organic" products for healthy skin. Now, because applying these words to the products makes them sell so fast, they are highly abused words and are used indiscriminately on skin care products. They may contain harmful ingredients also. Thus you need to scrutinize deeply the ingredients that are contained in your healthy skin care products that you are using.

You need to be watchful against these toxic substances which are clinically proven to cause widespread harm to our healthy skin -

1) Mineral Oils - These moisturize the skin for a temporary period. Then they end up clogging the pores and causing skin allergies, irritation, inflammation and acne eruptions. They are used because they are cheap. They are very harmful for long term skin health.

2) Parabens - These are used to increase the shelf life of anti aging products. A higher shelf life does not improve the quality or effectiveness of the product, it just fattens the profits of the product manufacturers.

Parabens cause cancer. They also cause disruptions in estrogen levels of females.

3) Fragrances - They are used to give a nice smell to skin care products. But as they are made from artificial harmful chemicals, they cause a lot of problems like allergies, irritation and disrupt the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

There are many more hazardous chemicals that are being used in so called "healthy skin care" products. You should avoid them as much as possible in the products that you purchase.

Just as important it is to safeguard and prevent our healthy skin from such evil villains, it is also advisable to provide our skin such natural substances which are rich in vitamins and naturally skin rejuvenation properties, as a part of healthy skin care regimen.

One of such amazing natural substances that I have discovered after years of research is Phytessence Wakame. It is an extract of a special type of Japanese sea kelp. It is one the best kept healthy skin care anti aging secrets of Japan.

Phytessence Wakame is rich in vitamin B complex which includes vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and it also has lots of calcium, iron and potassium. It works very well in anti aging and gives smooth creamy complexioned skin. It is anti inflammatory, improves skin moisture and elasticity.

It is a powerful antioxidant. Its unique feature lies in the fact that it helps preserve the hyaluronic acid in our body. This acid works together with the youth giving proteins in our body called collagen and elastin, to give us a soft, supple and pliant looking healthy skin.

It forms part of elite healthy skin care creams. These are the kind of natural substances that can naturally give you the firm, young and healthy skin that you were always looking for.

Visit my website to discover more of such amazing natural substances that have been clinically proven to give young and healthy skin. They are a part of my closely guarded secrets of natural healthy skin care.

By: Nisha V Kumar

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Nisha V Kumar is a Natural Healthcare Expert and a passionate advocate of natural skin care. Her website provides a wealth of information on what works and what doesn't work in Anti-aging skincare to achieve a young, beautiful and vibrant skin.