Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Natural Acne Solutions Are Much Safer Than Topical Acne Treatments

Determining the pros and cons of taking topical medication can be difficult to achieve when compared to administering natural solutions. Throughout my teenage and early adult years my best friend Isabelle went through the realities of both paths of treatment.
When we were kids Isabelle got all the attention and would often boast of being the cutest girl in elementary school. This all changed in junior high as her face quickly resembled that of a squashed pepperoni pizza. The boys would run a mile!
With her facial acne outbreaks worsening into her mid teens we were all understanding of her decision to seek professional advice through the form of a dermatologist. Thinking she was following helpful advice she continually took the topical steroid medication her dermatologist prescribed. If only she knew then what she knows now!
Soon after beginning the prescribed doses of topical treatments her acne went from bad to worse. Within a short period her facial acne was now a secondary concern to the heavy outbreak of back acne, not to mention her rapid gaining of weight. Unsurprisingly during this period her self esteem was at an all time low and she soon began experiencing bouts of depression.
In stark contrast, once she removed all forms of topical treatments from her skincare regime and switched to natural skincare solutions the exponential problems disappeared. Within a short space of time it was as if she never gained weight or experienced depression at all. In addition, her ever growing back acne rapidly disappeared.
As someone who had always favored natural acne treatment over steroid use I decided to research the dangers of topical medication. Without too much digging I was shocked to discover prescribed steroid medications warned of side effects such as high blood pressure, poor immune defense, pancreatitis, abdominal pain, and sleeplessness. On the contrary, natural acne creams and gels propagate none of these horrid conditions.
The knowledge is present for anyone willing to look for it. Steroid solutions to skin problems often elicit problems far greater than the original facial acne it is prescribed to curb. No one wants to increase their likelihood of experiencing depression, excess weight, or decreasing their immune system. This is especially true when a natural acne treatment cream is available that is virtually side effect free.

By: Sabina Carvalho

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Having realized that the best treatment for acne is unsurprisingly the most natural, my best friend and I discovered the most effective solution to poor acne health to be a natural acne treatment gel known as Bioskinclear, a oil free product that assisted in removing her acne scarring, while reducing and preventing acne and rosacea.

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