The process of ageing is inevitable. However there are steps one can take to slow this process down and retain that youthful look for longer. Slowing down the ageing process is as much about lifestyle and behaviour as it is about the use of products and treatments.
Listed below are the leading factors that cause premature aging and how these can be avoided or counteracted.
Smoking - Research has shown that smoking is one of the leading causes of premature ageing. The CMO recently advised the government of the United Kingdom that prolonged smoking can prematurely age skin by 10 – 20 years. Smoking hastens the onset of skin ageing by: reducing capillary blood flow to the skin, thereby denying the skin of oxygen and essential nutrients. In addition, smoking increases the production of an enzyme that reduces the production of collagen to the skin. Smoking also reduces levels of vitamin A & C, both highly important to maintaining and protecting skin. Cutting back or quitting smoking will produce huge results in the health of the skin.
Excessive exposure to sun - Exposure to sun, in particular the UVB and UVA component of sunlight are leading causes of ageing. UVA and UVB cause damage to the skin by breaking down the elastin and collogen as well as causing damage to the DNA and other cellular mechanisms within the skin. This damage can easily be greatly reduced by the year round use of sun screens, using a weaker SPF in winter and a higher one in the summer.
Alcohol - Excessive alcohol consumption ages skin by causing damage to the capillaries under the skin causing them to dilate and rupture. This causes the appearance of red flushed skin and also causes the skin to age faster by damaging the blood supply to the skin. These affects can easily be avoided by reducing you weekly alcohol intake.
Stress - It has been proven that high levels of stress are linked to aging and ill health. In response to stress the body produces the hormone cortisol. One of the affects of cortisol is to induce cologne loss in tissue. It has been shown that the collagen loss in skin is ten times greater than in any other tissue. Eliminating stress is an impossible task, but if you can reduce stress and find better ways to cope with daily stresses, the years should stay off.
Atmosphere/wind – Wind, hot & cold dry air, pollutants can all cause the skin to become dry and damaged. This can easily be counteracted by the use of moisturiser.
Lack of sleep: Too little sleep makes you look and feel tired. One of the first places lack up sleep shows up is on the face, with dark circles and bags under the eyes, and sagging skin. Lack of sleep is also a major factor in memory loss and symptoms of depression that include low interest in daily activities and negative thinking. Research has shown that most adults function best with 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Reduce caffeine during the day (with none in the evening), avoid eating at least 2 hours before bedtime, and maintain a sleep routine that includes going to bed at the same time each night.
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Azra Butt trained at the Innoxa institute of beauty (now steiners) at BABTAC and CIDESCO level and later at the Clarins Institute of Beauty in Paris. She has been providing beauty treatments for thirty five years and is owner of the Hawkins Clinic, a Wimbledon Beauty Salon Tel: 0208 946 1201 Web:

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