Saturday, September 27, 2008

Breast Augmentation Surgery Overview

It is estimated that some 10,000 women have breast augmentation every year. With new techniques and materials being used, this particular type of surgery has become increasingly popular and safe. Some women will undergo cosmetic surgery of this kind to increase the size of the breast and/or change the shape while other women need corrective surgery for issues such as uneven breasts, after effects of breast cancer, drooping breasts after having children, etc.

For women who are born with smaller breasts, they often feel unbalanced, wanting their body to be more in proportion. With augmentation, the plastic surgeon can work closely with the patient in determining the right size for her body type, as well as lifestyle and personal preference. When performed by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon, patients are usually thrilled with the outcome.
Breast augmentation is also commonly chosen after having children or after the age 40 when the breasts naturally begin to sag. In this case, surgeons can add breast implants that help to restore the woman’s original size or change it as needed. Many times, women will also choose an elective surgery known as the breast lift in which the breasts are also lifted, creating a firm, beautiful appearance.

For breast augmentation, there are two standard implant types: a silicone shell that is filled with saline or salt water, or a silicone shell filled with silicone gel. In the case of the saline implants, there are no limitations by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, doctors performing augmentation with a silicone gel implant have to secure permission from the FDA prior.

With a successful surgery, women who go through breast augmentation find they feel more confident, look better in their clothing, and overall have a much better opinion of self. Any woman considering cosmetic surgery of this type needs to take time to research all the pros and cons to gain a realistic understanding of the expected outcome.

By: Daniel Beasley

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Depending on your goals, plastic surgery can produce subtle results or completely transform your appearance. If you are considering liposuction or breast implants, speak with a New Jersey plastic surgeon to find out what to expect before, during, and after your procedure.

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